Brigadeiro: heaven and a serious business!

Few months ago I wrote an article about brigadeiro and Guinness, Heaven for Ronia is called Brigadeiro, and it has Guinnessa sweet Brazilian and Irish fusion.

Since then I’ve been making brigadeiros for fun and offering as a gift for friends and neighbours. I didn’t realize that I was starting a business.

It’ve started a word-of-mouth recommendations in my complex, a neighbour asked for a gift box, other one asked for a handful to eat at home.
One day my phone rang, a guy asking if I fancied doing brigadeiros for his coffee shop. Now weekly I produce 100 sweets for him, and the production will be increased for summertime!

With Guiness, Ronia’s favourite!

Doce – Brazilian Sweets

In just over six months my handmade production of brigadeiros doubled. I’ve ordered special boxes made in Brazil, I’ve tested new recipes, besides the classic condensed milk and chocolate: Happy Couple (combination of milk chocolate & white brigadeiro), White Coconut (white chocolate and coconut brigadeiro & grated coconut) and Dark Coconut (milk chocolate and coconut brigadeiro & grated coconut).
For the summer I plan to introduce Sicilian lemon and amaretto flavours.

Box of Brigadeiros
Box of Brigadeiros
My nephew has created a logo for me to start my business: Doce – Brazilian Sweets.
So far my enterprise is very small, with hand over to buyers from La Cala de Mijas to Malaga, but I’m already researching companies for delivery to other parts of Spain and Europe. I shall keep my fingers crossed that this sweet business become a success!
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A lazy kind of Panna Cotta
A taste of Porto between slices of bread

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