Rosie's delicious french roots

Since I was little I’ve loved to draw, and being a perfectionist from a young age, I have seen my hours of practice transform my skills and my passion for becoming an artist.
In particular, I have always had an interest in realism, and I love the satisfaction of watching a piece come to life when I’m working on it.
Having grown up with a French grandmother and spending a lot of my childhood and adult life visiting France, I was inspired to create a series of drawings influenced by traditional French cuisine.

One of my earliest memories of experiencing French culture comes from walking past food stalls in their street markets, so whilst I was making this series, I thought about the foods that best represented my time spent in the marketplace.
I enjoyed capturing the vivid colours of the different foods, particularly the pink of the garlic and the orange and red tones of the prawn, which really make the drawings feel alive.

Although I am fond of French cuisine, my favourite style of food is Italian, and my go-to meal is always any pasta-based dish.
When I cook for myself or for family, I tend to make pasta with pesto, chicken, and pepperoni; as a special touch, I like to mix cream cheese in with the pesto to make the dish creamier and more luxurious.

Rosie wants to capture the significance and the value of food through her artwork
I like to watch my mum when she is cooking to pick up tips and learn about the potential different ingredients have to make new meals, and she has always encouraged me to try new foods and to understand how to put together interesting and tasty dishes.
In the future, I would love to create more artwork influenced by foods from different cultures, and to attempt to encapsulate the significance and value that food can bring to communities, and the memories that it inspires.

Rosie Groom is Cooknst new collaborator. You can purchase her fabulous work by sending us an email on . 

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